Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Magic Pill

"If there was a magic pill that cure ______ would you take it?"

This is a question that has been asked countless times, to all sorts of people who don't fit in with society's norm.  

Some people say, "Yes.  I would please, invent this magic pill that'll make me all better."

Other say, "No, I'm not broken I don't need a pill to fix me."

The other day I was in my Intro to Deaf Ed Class and we were discussing this question.  And naturally my mind wandered in PKU territory. 

Would I take a "magic pill" if it could cure my PKU?

I'm not sure. 

And I know that may sound silly to some.  They're probably at their computers right now rolling their eyes.  "Oh please, we know that if there really was a pill you'd take it". 

You may be right.  But considering that there are a few treatments out there (KUVAN and PEGPAL) that I haven't had even the slightest desire to join?  Maybe not.

PKU is a part of me.  It's a part of my life.  I have made PKU a part of my identity, and without it... It would be hard to change that.  It's a lifestyle.  PKU keeps me healthy.    

Sure there are things I'd love to go without (cough- blood tests- cough, cough).  But in reality, I'm sure they'd make me keep doing blood tests so that they could measure the affects on the pill.  So...

Would I take the pill?  If it made me magically better?  I don't know.  If the time ever comes that a simple pill could fix my DNA... I'd consider it.  I mean, Pizza smells really good.  But, on the other hand... I kind of like having PKU.  It makes me unique.

Would you take the pill if it could "cure" you?

(P.S. I understand that there are illnesses and syndromes that just make life hard.  And that don't have upsides.  And if you would take the pill.  I wouldn't judge.  It's a philosophical debate that's been around for ages.  Kind of like which comes first the chicken or the egg?)   

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