Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Good News!!!

After a year of planning and working, I am very pleased to announce some very exciting news...

I am OFFICIALLY going to study abroad in Chester, England next semester!!!!

So... what does that mean exactly?

It means that next semester I will be attending the University of Chester as a student.  In England.  For 6'ish months.

I am sooooooooo excited!!!  

(And yes, that many o's were necessary to convey my inner feelings.)

What it means for this blog... is that you're going to get a new perspective on PKU.  Or maybe even more than one.  
  1. PKU'er in England
  2. PKU'er doing study abroad (and how it's possible and you shouldn't think that can't leave the country just because you have PKU)
 This is going to be fun.  And I have a lot of ideas for posts with this blog.  (As well as things I want to do and see).  So you should be excited as well.  :)

Thanks for always reading my blog.  I'm thankful for each and everyone of you.

We are going to have so much fun!  :)   

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