Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Powermilk Problem

There is a problem that has been on my mind for a while now.  Don't worry its not life-threatening.
It's just... I need a new name for my Powermilk.

Don't laugh at me, it's a real-life problem.

I call it Powermilk, in the blog, because that's what I introduced it as.  I kept calling it that to remain consistent.  Powermilk is kinda... I don't know... Do you remember that childhood nickname your parents called you growing up but whenever they would call you it in public years later you'd get the weirdest looks?  That's what "Powermilk" is the nickname that earns you weird looks.  

So my sister and I compiled a list of names we have used on occasion or names that people have suggested.  

-My medicine
- Incomplete Protein Powder
-Magic milk

None of them "stick".  I grew up with Powermilk, but I was teased (not badly, my childhood was a happy one) back in elementary school.  So I started calling it my formula, but people kept mentioning   how it made them think of baby formula.  :-/.  

My roommate calls my Powermilk, my "magic milk".  And my sister calls her Powermilk... Steriods.

What would you/ do you call it?  I want to know.  Who knows, Maybe one of your ideas will stick.


  1. I like powermilk! I agree, formula suggests that it's like baby formula. Milk is confusing with dairy milk. Steroids just has a bad connotation...I like magic milk, too. Something unique but not weird...something to identify it as different, but not weird. Good question. I'm no help at all!

  2. I can see your point... I don't know what I'd call it instead though. Phe-Milk? You'll have to let us know if you find a good new nickname.
