Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Good News!!!

After a year of planning and working, I am very pleased to announce some very exciting news...

I am OFFICIALLY going to study abroad in Chester, England next semester!!!!

So... what does that mean exactly?

It means that next semester I will be attending the University of Chester as a student.  In England.  For 6'ish months.

I am sooooooooo excited!!!  

(And yes, that many o's were necessary to convey my inner feelings.)

What it means for this blog... is that you're going to get a new perspective on PKU.  Or maybe even more than one.  
  1. PKU'er in England
  2. PKU'er doing study abroad (and how it's possible and you shouldn't think that can't leave the country just because you have PKU)
 This is going to be fun.  And I have a lot of ideas for posts with this blog.  (As well as things I want to do and see).  So you should be excited as well.  :)

Thanks for always reading my blog.  I'm thankful for each and everyone of you.

We are going to have so much fun!  :)   

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Magic Pill

"If there was a magic pill that cure ______ would you take it?"

This is a question that has been asked countless times, to all sorts of people who don't fit in with society's norm.  

Some people say, "Yes.  I would please, invent this magic pill that'll make me all better."

Other say, "No, I'm not broken I don't need a pill to fix me."

The other day I was in my Intro to Deaf Ed Class and we were discussing this question.  And naturally my mind wandered in PKU territory. 

Would I take a "magic pill" if it could cure my PKU?

I'm not sure. 

And I know that may sound silly to some.  They're probably at their computers right now rolling their eyes.  "Oh please, we know that if there really was a pill you'd take it". 

You may be right.  But considering that there are a few treatments out there (KUVAN and PEGPAL) that I haven't had even the slightest desire to join?  Maybe not.

PKU is a part of me.  It's a part of my life.  I have made PKU a part of my identity, and without it... It would be hard to change that.  It's a lifestyle.  PKU keeps me healthy.    

Sure there are things I'd love to go without (cough- blood tests- cough, cough).  But in reality, I'm sure they'd make me keep doing blood tests so that they could measure the affects on the pill.  So...

Would I take the pill?  If it made me magically better?  I don't know.  If the time ever comes that a simple pill could fix my DNA... I'd consider it.  I mean, Pizza smells really good.  But, on the other hand... I kind of like having PKU.  It makes me unique.

Would you take the pill if it could "cure" you?

(P.S. I understand that there are illnesses and syndromes that just make life hard.  And that don't have upsides.  And if you would take the pill.  I wouldn't judge.  It's a philosophical debate that's been around for ages.  Kind of like which comes first the chicken or the egg?)   

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lunch Time!!

Lately, I have been really excited for lunch time.


Well because for the semester I've been using one of these:

   A bento box!!!  

Now, my bento lunchbox looks a lot like this one (which I got off of google really fast... thanks to chefmom.com for the pic).  But the sections are little boxes that I can take out and put in.  And a couple of them have lids so I can put juicy items in it, without having to worry about it getting everywhere.

The best thing about about it is that it's fun to pack as well as to eat.  And I actually get a nice lunch.  :)

Confession: As a college student I find it really hard to eat lunch.  Especially since I'm on campus all day everyday.  But, this has actually helped.

I usually try to include a variety of items in my lunches.  In the past I've packed: raisins, apple slices, bell peppers, carrots, cucumber, leftovers from dinner, fruit snacks, pudding, peach slices, PKU tortilla sandwiches...

And I haven't even explored that much with it.

When I was in elementary school I did the whole pretty lunchbox thing, and in high school it became the sack lunch thing.

But, it was never as much fun putting together than it is with my bento box.  (I'm not sure why.)  And it tends to be healthier too.  (Again not sure why, these are just my observations.)

Now, if you look online you'll see thousands of pictures of moms making sure picture perfect lunches for their children... I don't do that.  Not at all.  I figure it's just going to be eaten, so why try and make a pig out of grapes or something as incredibly hard as that.

I cut up my fruit into chunks so I can pack in more.  I fill the lunchbox, and my biggest thing is variety.  One week I'll have cucumbers from the grocery store so I'll pack that as my veggie.  But then the next week I'll buy broccoli instead, so I can get that variety.

Also, I have 5 sections in my box.  I always fill at least 1 with a veggie and another with a fruit.  Then I go from there and use what's on hand, but haven't used lately.

It just makes lunchtime a lot of fun for me!

Anyways, enjoy!