Saturday, April 6, 2013

Oh, You're a Salad-Eater?

The other day I was talking with my friends about dates/dating/ guys ... you know.  We were talking about "Date-Killers".  (The things that really make a date awkward or can sometimes even ruin it).

I went home, and later I was still thinking about it.  What are some "Date-Killers"?  And are they real or just a Myth?

Well, when I was 12 years old I was told that one dates you shouldn't order salad or spaghetti because they're really messy.  And on top of being messy, salad makes him think "oh you're one of THOSE girls.  The ones who obsess about their weight and whatnot."

Basically they told me, salad is a Date-killer.

Which for PKU'ers is kind of sad.  Most of the time all we can eat at restaurants IS the salad.  So what do we do?

My first date I decided that I didn't care if my date thought that.  He should already know me well enough to know somewhat about my diet, if he was going to ask me out on a date.  So I ordered a salad.  I order salad a lot on dates, and you know what?  No one cares.  :)

So that Date-Killer has been DE-MYTHED.  Next time I'll talk about a REAL Date-killer, one that I've experienced myself.  Should come with an intriguing story. :)   

(Sorry that this was short.)

1 comment:

  1. I am making LP coconut yogurt today! I'll let you know how it turns out! :) Mom
