Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving ABC's

Happy Thanksgiving!  Have you ever made a list for things your grateful for?  Seeing as it's Thanksgiving I'm going to just that:
A- Apples (they are my go-to snack when I'm hungry)
B- Bread (The PKU kind is very yummy!)
C- Cats (I have black cat that I love very much!)
D- Dogs (see I'm not exclusive ;)  I have a dog too)
E- Electricity (because really... our society depends on it)
F- Friends and Family (Because they are all amazing people
G- Games (I love playing Board/ Card games)
H- Heel pricks that they give babies at birth (that's how they diagnose PKU and without it I wouldn't be typing this)
I- Ice Cubes (living in a dorm w. no ice and tap water that doesn't get very cold has made me appreciate ice cubes all the more!)
J- Jokes (Life would be a lot duller without them)
K- Kids :)  (I have nothing more to say about that)
L- Libraries (Because at heart I'm really a bookworm)
M- Music (It's fun to listen to, sing to, and dance there)
N- Nature (I love being outside, and it's beautiful)
O- Outdoors (It goes with nature)
P- PKU (a lot of who I am is because I have PKU)
Q- Quilts (Love snuggling under quilts on rainy days.  Especially ones made with love)
R- My Roommate (She's a dear, and we get along just great)
S- Smiles (nothing makes me happier than a returned smile)
T- Toothbrushes and Toothpaste (self-evident)
U- Universities (Specifically the one I go to)
V- Vehicles (They make traveling places a lot easier)
W- Water (Water is the elixir of life... really)
X- Treasure ("X" marks the spot! Haha!)
Y- You (because you take the time to read my blog)
Z- Zero, the number (Because Zero is my hero ;) and without it we couldn't go past 9)

Have a great Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. You're definitely your Father's daughter! Silly & sweet & smart all at the same time!
