Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Way Into a PKU'ers Heart

Okay it's time... I've had this topic stirring in the back of my mind for a while.  And I think I'm ready to share it to the world.

I've done a couple posts about dating (Food And Dates, A Real Date-Killer, Oh, You're a Salad Eater?)  Mostly about keeping the status quo, trying to make a good impression, what to so about food on dates... All important.

But today I'm going to let the world in on a little secret. (Especially to those dating a PKU'er.)

One of the biggest things a PKU'er wants is someone who'll make an effort to understand PKU. 

It's complicated.

 We get that.  We probably don't understand all of it ourselves and we've had to deal with it since birth.  But making that effort to understand... that makes the world for us. 

I know it sounds contradictory to what I said in "A Real Date-Killer".  But hear me out. 

When I was younger (remember I was MUCH younger and quite the romantic!)  I used to imagine meeting someone.  While talking to me I would accidentally let it slip about my diet.  He'd find out what it was called, and then instead of asking me about it endlessly he'd look it up on the internet.  Then he'd bring me the stack of blog posts and articles he was trying to make heads or tails of, and I'd answer his well-researched questions. 

I know what your thinking but I was like 10 or 11 at the time! 

Here's the difference between what I described in "A Real Date-Killer" and in my young daydreams. 

When your on a date, you're supposed to be getting to know about each other.  What's your favorite color?  Do you have a pet?  Would you rather put your hand in a box with an unidentified snake or a mechanical whirring sound?  PKU (especially on a first date) tends to hog the conversation.  So you don't really get to know each other!   

When you go look it up yourself, it shows that your interested in them.  You are willing to live with PKU in your life.  You're willing to understand them.  At least to me, that kind of act would melt my heart.  (Then again if you're reading this... you're probably already looking up PKU.  So... good for you!)

Anyways, go on with your lives.  Thanks for reading this silly post of mine.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Not silly at all! I think this is true with lots of things besides PKU. Learning about something that is part of the other person is a great way to show you care!!!
