Saturday, March 10, 2012

Really, Really Quick!

So here's the update with flavor straws... they taste good in bettermilk! :)

And I'm leaving in 1.5 hours for the Utah PKU Conference. I'm excited to go, I wanted to go to the one in Colorado last year but it was during the school year and I can't just drop everything to go to Colorado. Sigh. I have high hopes for it. It's going to last all day but I'm taking my notebook so I can post the highlights of it ASAP. There's going to be a PKU lunch. (I love the PKU buffets they always have) And I hope that I meet some PKU Mountain Region teen-friends.

*When 1 out of every 25,000 kids are born with PKU, friends tend to be scarce. I'm lucky to have my sister who also has it. :)*

Okay I told you it would be quick. And so this is my posting and running to get ready. :)

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