Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Blog!

I've been blogging for a year officially now. Well, more off and on blogging but the blog has been up for a year now. It's kind of a weird thought that it was only last year when I decided to "change the world" and put up this blog. I really do hope it's done some good out there, and not just for some reports some kid has to write about a metobolic disease. But some real good.

So let's look at some stats for

Year 1:

Top 5 posts:

  1. New favorite Recipe- 131 views

  2. Happy PKU Awareness Month- 125 views

  3. Hello to You Too- 62 views

  4. Food & Dates- 39 views

  5. A Letter of Hope- 31 views

Top 5 Searches that Find the Blog:

  1. People with Phenylketonuria-10

  2. Pheylketonuria-8

  3. PKU Awareness Month-6

  4. PKU Baby-6

  5. People with PKU-5

Top 5 Countries:

  1. United States- 867

  2. Malaysia-31

  3. Russia- 28

  4. Canada-22

  5. Germany-18

Well, what did you think about the results?? I was really suprised at the number of people who viewed Food & Dates. The country views really intrigue me. To have people from another country reading what I'm typing this very moment... it's a pretty awe-inspiring thought. My Favorite post was The Letter of Hope personally. It's very touching. (And it's one of the posts where I actually got a picture to pop up with it.)

So where am I a year later...? Well, I'm a senior getting all my college stuff ready. Almost done with High School. Last year I didn't really think college could ever be so near. Last year... I was younger. I guess that's the word I was searching for. I've learned a lot about life this past year; and I've grown so much. I wonder what this next year will bring for us.

Anyways... Happy 1st Birthday Blog and May you last long enough to have many more!!!

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