Sunday, December 30, 2012
It's the Holiday Season
I came home for Christmas Break (on the 14th) and I am leaving for semster 2 of college later this week. But I've had a great time! And I love hanging out with my family!
We had a white Christmas. :). Which always makes me happy.
Plus for Christmas I recieved a bread maker. Since PKU'ers can't have regular bread we can't go run to the store for bread. We have to make it.
It'll be handy to have around when I need to make break on an extra busy day. Plus I get to play around with it and let you know how it goes. That reminds me I need to find a couple of bread recipes for a bread maker.
We have a bread maker here at home, and it's been nice to have. Not having to take a couple hours out of my day to make bread. Just being able to dump ingredients, push a couple buttons, and go.
As cool as getting the bread maker was though, I'd have to say watching everyone's presents is always the best part. I love it when their faces light up and I know I picked the perfect present for them. Not to brag or anything, but this year I was spot on with every present. It just made my day. :).
Now New Years is coming up. I need to come up with good, reasonable resolutions. What are some of your resolutions?
Sorry this post is so casual. It's like one of those episodes in a tv series that are just there. It may be fun, but it has no game-changing plot development. It's the holidays. And I'm just happy that I got around to posting.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Smart Studying Snacks
The Friday before Dead Week (26th-30th) I went grocery shopping for a bunch of easy things to make and snack on, because I knew I wouldn't have time/ want to cook. It was a really smart idea, and made my life SO much easier.
So here are a couple of the snacks that I enjoyed the most:
- Raw Veggies w/ Ranch- Basically all you have to do is grab and wash the veggies and pour the dip. I found this veggie bag that all sorts of veggies in it at my Smiths. It was so nice just to eat that for lunch while studying. Remember to get lots of color for lots of different nutrients! Since I got mine in a bag it was already assorted. Some raw veggies I enjoy are: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, and celery.
- Smoothies- Grid up some fruit with coconut /or/ rice milk, then add your medicine. While this did take some preparation it allowed me to have my medicine AND food at the same time. Truthfully the longest part is cleaning the blender once your done.
- Oranges- Since its wintertime I'm talking specifically Cutie Clementines. But oranges in general are tasty. :) And the Vitamin C helps you to stay healthy. I had a LOT of Vitamin C packed foods over Dead & Finals Week. I WAS NOT ABOUT TO BE SICK FOR FINALS! Plus the Citric Smell is supposed to supposed to "freshen your mind".
- Fruit Bars- AKA Fruity Popsicles. Popsicles are pretty low as a general rule. (Excluding Creamies) And when you want a snack that isn't high on PHE, Popsicles could be your answer. Unless you decide to make some yourself there's no preparation needed.
- Frozen Fruit- This snack is my new BEST FRIEND! I have discovered frozen fruit before but the past could weeks I re-discovered it. ESPECIALLY frozen grapes. I had this bag of frozen fruit with frozen grapes included... by the end I found that I was searching the bag for the grapes. Frozen fruit is sweet, yet healthy. It satisfies my huge sweet tooth while satisfying the part of me that panics about getting the freshman fifteen. New favorite snack! :)
One last thing... it's really important to be right on with your diet during big tests. It's always important to be on your diet, but if your not on-diet during a test you aren't thinking your best. You don't perform the best you could.
Okay enough soapbox. What are your favorite Low-PHE snacks (Whether you have PKU or not)? If you don't know what *qualifies* some of my other posts might be able to help, especially the first one.
Oh and happy December 22nd. :) Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
A PKU Story
I was born. :) And when I was born they gave me a heel prick to test for various medical conditions. It came up negative. I was healthy enough and they let me go. But something was wrong. I wasn't eating the way I should, so they re-stuck me and checked again. I had Phenylketonuria.
At first my parents were worried. They were first time parents and on top of learning to be parents they had to learn to be PKU Parents. It was difficult, and expensive. But they learned. And they did an excellent job. :)
As a PKU child I became an expert at measuring things, looking things up in the big green book, and recognizing "good foods" and "bad foods". I ate lots of fruits, and lots of vegetables. I also had my medical formula and medical foods. They were pretty expensive but, we managed.
Time passed and I grew. I got involved in all sorts of things at different times in my life. In my childhood I was in plays, I played soccer, and took ballet for a while. In high school I swam, sang in choir, and took AP classes. I found many interests and I grew up happily.
Now I'm at a University studying to be a Deaf Teacher. I'm doing well in my classes. I have friends, and I'm happy.
PKU affects my life. It affects many aspects of my life. I still drink my formula, and weigh things, and look things up in that old green book. I have to say no when someone offers me a Reeses or something like that.
But it's who I am. And I like who I am. In last week's clip the man talked about PKU being a part of him. That's what I've been trying to say all along. :) PKU isn't a horrible awful tragedy and you should pity those diagnosed. It's a style of life. And I'm used to it.
Thanks! See you later!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Happy PKU Awareness Day 2012
You would not believe how many page views I've gotten today. It's a new record. And I haven't even posted yet!
Okay so how did you celebrate? I wore ALL blue! Even when I went swimming today I wore my blue suit with a blue cap and blue goggles. I also whipped up a PKU Peach Cobbler (you can find the recipe in my post titled: A Recipe Worth Making) and shared with some of my non-PKU friends. I'm also posting on my PKU blog. :).
(By the way that 1st line is something my sister and I made up when texting each other Happy PKU Awareness texts.)
At the bottom I'm posting links to a couple of PKU videos that I want to share. They are really good. Next week I'll type up my own "PKU Story" so you have something to look forward to. :). Sorry this post is so short it's the week before finals (aka dead week, literally that's what the University calls it!). So I better get back to studying.
Enjoy the videos! And Happy PKU Awareness Day!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving ABC's
A- Apples (they are my go-to snack when I'm hungry)
B- Bread (The PKU kind is very yummy!)
C- Cats (I have black cat that I love very much!)
D- Dogs (see I'm not exclusive ;) I have a dog too)
E- Electricity (because really... our society depends on it)
F- Friends and Family (Because they are all amazing people
G- Games (I love playing Board/ Card games)
H- Heel pricks that they give babies at birth (that's how they diagnose PKU and without it I wouldn't be typing this)
I- Ice Cubes (living in a dorm w. no ice and tap water that doesn't get very cold has made me appreciate ice cubes all the more!)
J- Jokes (Life would be a lot duller without them)
K- Kids :) (I have nothing more to say about that)
L- Libraries (Because at heart I'm really a bookworm)
M- Music (It's fun to listen to, sing to, and dance there)
N- Nature (I love being outside, and it's beautiful)
O- Outdoors (It goes with nature)
P- PKU (a lot of who I am is because I have PKU)
Q- Quilts (Love snuggling under quilts on rainy days. Especially ones made with love)
R- My Roommate (She's a dear, and we get along just great)
S- Smiles (nothing makes me happier than a returned smile)
T- Toothbrushes and Toothpaste (self-evident)
U- Universities (Specifically the one I go to)
V- Vehicles (They make traveling places a lot easier)
W- Water (Water is the elixir of life... really)
X- Treasure ("X" marks the spot! Haha!)
Y- You (because you take the time to read my blog)
Z- Zero, the number (Because Zero is my hero ;) and without it we couldn't go past 9)
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Life or Death Rituals
If their ritual is messed up in any sort of way, then they feel off all day. At least I do.
Today one of my rituals was thrown off. So was my day.
What are my rituals? It gets a bit detailed...
My ritual includes:
- How much medicine I put in my water bottle at one time.
- How much water I mix with it.
- What sort of container I use.
- When I drink it.
If any of the other elements are thrown off. It feels like a life or death matter.
Today I lost my last water bottle on the bus. I had 2 but the other one was stolen (I left it where I had been sitting and came back for it 5 minutes later to find it missing.). So that was my last one. My roommate lent me her water bottle but it's made differently... and I have to force myself to drink my medicine, because it's not what I'm used to. (Fun Fact: It actually tastes different in different cups.) So now I have to go and buy a new one, as soon as I can get to the store.
I know. I know. Stop complaining, this is a blog about PKU not a diary about you! I'm sorry I'm off my game. Like I said. If the ritual is messed up... my day is messed up.
I know other PKU'ers who have other rituals. I know a girl who adds strawberry syrup to her milk, and another who adds Sunny-D. Everyone has their assigned "Powermilk" cups, and those few brave souls who drink out of a cup I applaud. So it's not just me. And I knwo they feel the same way I do about their rituals.
Do any of you have rituals like that? Where if you don't do it or it changes slightly you're whole day is... off? (I dare all you to answer me back- and I know your reading this because I can see the stats.)
Thanks for reading this. Thanks for finishing this. Thanks for visiting my blog at all! :) Have a good day!
Monday, November 5, 2012
New Holiday Declared! ...Sorta.
Well, there have been many different days that people would call "PKU Awareness Day".
I merely picked one of those days and made it my PKU Awareness Day. Except I made it a month. Because finding something to do to celebrate PKU everyday that month was fun! It was something fun to do.
Now Congress has officially made a PKU Awareness Day. Seriously.
It's on December 3rd.
So make sure you celebrate it!
On they have a list of 10 ways to celebrate it, and bring awareness to the world. You can check those out on the website if you really want to. A lot of it is "organize a dance-a-thon to raise money for PKU Awareness". And those ideas are good too. But I'm going to give you a list of 10 fun, little things you can do:
- Since PKU is represented with blue- wear AS MUCH blue as possible! Maybe spray blue hair coloring in your hair to make it blue too! (Make sure ll wash out) Or you can go the easy route and wear a blue shirt.
- Make an ALL PKU meal for your family and /or friends. :)
- Pass out PKU Stickers to everyone you meet. (And make sure they wear them!)- or just wear PKU stickers yourself. I don't know where you'd get stickers... maybe you could make them!
- If you have PKU you can have fun and experiment with your formula. (In my case I'd turn it into a smoothie)
- Make a t-shirt. Put anything PKU related you want on it. You can just print out a design on some special paper that allows you to iron on the design. If done correctly this will last a long time. :)
- Post fun facts, or pictures about PKU on Facebook, twitter, tumblr... whatever you guys use.
- Put up a poster in your window. Make sure to use blue!
- Throw a PKU Party and serve PKU snacks!
- Write a song about PKU. (Or a parody... those work just the same) I want video footage if you do this one though!
- Make your dieticians happy keep a diet record for the day and see how you do. Are you eating too high or too low? Make adjustments. :) Then email your dieticians a thank you note. They use a lot of chemistry and it's hard. ;) Or you could just skip to part 2 and email your dietician.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
An Extraordinary Find!
Well, last night we made this treat from a recipe one of my friends got off of Pinterest.
It was really really good.
It was really really easy to make.
and the best part???
I LOVE finding new PKU friendly recipes! It really makes my day. :)
So without much further ado... I pass it on to you:
Strawberry Ice Cream
1 banana, sliced and frozen
1 handful of strawberries, frozen
1-2 TBSP Coconut milk
1 TSP Vanilla extract
Place the frozen bananas and strawberries into a food processor. Start blending then add in the vanilla and coconut milk. Just enough for it to blend together but not too much, it's supposed to be really thick. Once it is smooth but still thick scoop it out and you have ice cream! It doesn't store well in the freezer, and it makes 2-3 servings.
To be honest, we followed the instructions loosely and were fine. You could make it any flavor, by tossing in that fruit. We made Peach and strawberry. :) You know how much I love ice cream. I even dedicated a post to my love of it back sometime last year. (it's called Favorite Dessert... or something like that.) Here's our batch.
How did we do the layers? Well let me tell you, it was SOOO difficult. We made one, divided it (we only have 1 blender), then made the other and divided it. It just naturally layered like that. Theoretically you could make a whole rainbow, as long as you had a fruit for each color of the rainbow.
Now I can see it in your eye, you want some. You have the recipe now go and make it for yourself! Have fun with it!
P.S. When you change the flavor by adding different fruits keep the banana. It works as the base for the ice cream. :)
Saturday, October 20, 2012
A Recipe Worth Making
Recently my sister and my mom decided to take a regular recipe and change it so it's PKU. They chose Peach Cobbler. (Which is one of my favorite desserts ever! And has many good memories attached to it!) It turned out really nicely apparently- because it was gone by the time I came home.
Luckily they had the recipe written down. So I took it back to college with me and tried it myself. (See picture on right- yeah that's mine.) Here's the recipe:
You need:
- 1 stick butter
- 4-5 cups Sliced and Peeled Peaches (if you use fresh peaches that equals 3-4 peaches)
- 1/2 cup Sugar
- 3/4 cup Water
- 1 cup Some kind of Low Pro Milk (rice milk/ coconut milk...)- I used Rice Milk for mine
- 1 cup Rice Flour
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 3/4 cup Sugar (not a mistake you'll see why I put sugar 2x in a moment)
- Melt butter in 9x11 @ 350 degrees
- In a large bowl mix peaches, 1/2 cup sugar, and water then leave the mixture until the end
- In a different large bowl mix rest of ingredients (creamer, rice flour, baking powder, salt, and 3/4 cup sugar) Until all ingredients are blended well!!!
- Pour batter over butter (don't stir here!)
- Spoon peach mixture on top
- Bake @ 350 for 40-50 minutes
It's really tasty! :-D
Saturday, October 13, 2012
It All Started With An Email...
You see, occasionally I get emails from this PKU Group in my state. Today I received one of theses emails from them and discovered some very interesting news about PEG-PAL. I didn't really know anything about it so I did some research.
PEG-PAL is 2 different things really.
There's PAL which is Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL). It's a protein (enzyme) found in plants, it converts L-phenylalanine to trans-cinnamic acid and ammonia.
Then there's PEG (aka polyethylene glycol) which is a water soluble compound that is non-toxic and can be safely cleared from the body.
They use the PEG to help get the PAL into the body, because PAL is this unknown substance that your immune system wants to get rid of. The PEG hides the PAL from your immune system.
The PAL is a stable enzyme. They put the PAL into the body and it metabolizes Phe. The PAL basically takes over for the PAH (which is the enzyme PKU'ers have troubles with and converts the extra Phenylalanine into trans-cinnamic acid and ammonia. The body then can easily get rid of the trans-cinnamic acid and there isn't enough ammonia to do much damage.
How do you get the PEG-PAL into your body? Injections. Yuck. But how often you would take need to take it depends on the person. From everyday to once a week.
So now you know what I know about PEG-PAL, here's the news: PEG-PAL is going into Phase 3 testing in 2013. Phase 3 testing is basically the big-group testing. It's already been proven to work on a wide range of individuals (including lots of Classical PKU'ers). Some people have been taking it for 2 years now as part of the long term effects testing.
Now here are the reported side effects (I'm going to list them clearly with normal print unlike medication commercials): rashes, and sore joints.
Seriously. That's it. Everyone had sore joints for the first few weeks of taking the drug. But as the body became used to it, the sore joints wasn't there anymore. People who got rashes reacted to the PEG. And apparently if your taking any medicine with PEG in it already, you can't use PEG-PAL.
The benefits? You basically can go off diet. You have enzymes breaking down the excess Phe. There is no build up, so a controlled diet is no longer needed.
I've tried to be non biased in my research so far... but now it's time for me to share my opinion. We're getting closer. The PEG-PAL is not a perfect solution. Who wants to have injections everyday? But it's better than KUVAN by a long shot. I like the theory behind it. I really do. It makes sense to me. There's still some things that need to be fixed during this next phase, but modern medical science has been making leaps forward to a solution. I might even try it... Not now. I'm a poor college student with no car, and lives far from the clinic. But if I can get over the injections idea... I might think about it. :)
And to think that this super long post started with an email I got today... :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Powermilk Problem
It's just... I need a new name for my Powermilk.
Don't laugh at me, it's a real-life problem.
I call it Powermilk, in the blog, because that's what I introduced it as. I kept calling it that to remain consistent. Powermilk is kinda... I don't know... Do you remember that childhood nickname your parents called you growing up but whenever they would call you it in public years later you'd get the weirdest looks? That's what "Powermilk" is the nickname that earns you weird looks.
So my sister and I compiled a list of names we have used on occasion or names that people have suggested.
-My medicine
- Incomplete Protein Powder
-Magic milk
None of them "stick". I grew up with Powermilk, but I was teased (not badly, my childhood was a happy one) back in elementary school. So I started calling it my formula, but people kept mentioning how it made them think of baby formula. :-/.
My roommate calls my Powermilk, my "magic milk". And my sister calls her Powermilk... Steriods.
What would you/ do you call it? I want to know. Who knows, Maybe one of your ideas will stick.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
A Cup Half Full
PKU Pros:
1. You have an army of doctors monitoring your health. So if you ever have a tumor or a virus they'll catch it pretty early on.
2. You're healthier. Think about it, have you ever seen an obese PKU'er? Didn't think so.
3. You don't have to worry about carbs... Just PHE. ;)
4. You can still live life and interact with people around you.
5. You are really good with scales. (just in case you wanted to be chemist)
6. You can cook, and more importantly mess with recipes to make food you can have.
7. You always get to bring home lunches, and don't have to deal with the "mystery meat".
8. You learn self-control.
9. You can refuse weird looking foods, blaming it on your diet.
10. You aren't alone. There are others who have it and understand everything.
I had fun with this list. I hope it brings a smile to you're face because as I was typing it I was laughing hard. My roommate probably thinks I'm psycho now. Sometimes you've just got to laugh at life. There are serious ones along with the funny ones, so that if you're having a blah day and funny justn't helping... The serious ones will remind you there are some good things about PKU.
Like I said earlier, add to this list. Have fun with it! :). See you later!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
College HO!
Yes that's right, this blogger is officially a college student.
It's crazy here. And living on diet is both harder and easier than it was at home.
Easier Because:
- I'm doing my own shopping and I can plan what I buy according to what I eat.
- I have a bigger selection since everything I buy is PKU-proof.
- I find Powermilk an easy snack that gives me energy so I drink it more.
- I have to find the time to cook a meal and eat it!
- I have to find time to make the 1/2 bus ride to the nearest grocery store.
- This is the biggest one... It seems everywhere I go they try to feed us. At every event their serving some type of refreshment (especially ice cream) and more often than not I can't have it.
College is harder and easier than I thought it would be. I'm living on campus with a kitchen right now. So I have a place to cook meals. Some on-campus places don't have kitchens. They have cafeterias that serve your food. Once in a while that would be nice... when I don't feel like cooking or I'm too busy to make a lunch. But the selection for PKU'ers in the Cafeteria is small. I'd have to have the same things day after day, and that would get annoying fast.
I've heard of people talking to the managers and getting them to store and cook PKU foods for them. I would just rather have a kitchen. It seems like less of a hassle. But it's another idea for those looking for some ideas.
College. It's crazy. I still can't believe I'm here. :)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
PKU Pride
Today when I was looking at the newest bunch of pics I realized something. PKU kids can be strong. They can be smart. They can be beautiful/handsome. PKU kids can grow and learn just like other kids. But only with the help of their diet. Without following that they miss so much.
At Camp PHEver there are COW's (Crush Of the Week), friendships formed, inside jokes, and pranks pulled. It's just like a typical summer camp... with chefs cooking really tasty foods, and pickles (or Popsicles) served as an after swimming food, and formula suicide drinks. :)
The only thing PKU'ers can't do is eat a lot of proteins. Which is okay. :) It makes us healthy and strong.
Just looking at those pictures reestablished my PKU Pride. It reminded me that I'm not the only one with it. And there are others who are doing just fine. I can do it.
I've also decided that having friends that are PKU (when you have PKU) is important. Especially friends in your age group. You need that support, you need to know that there are others out there with PKU. I'm lucky to have a sister close to my age who has PKU. Whenever I go to a PKU activity in my area I'm the oldest PKU'er there, all the others are little kids. Which makes my sister all the more valuable to me, because she can relate to me. :) Thanks sis.
Anyways I just wanted to share that thought with everyone. Sorry if it's a bit jumbled. Bye!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Restaurant Review #3: A SubZero Climate
The other day I went to a magical place where they served delicious ice cream. This place was called SubZero.
When you walk in it's this snazzy little ice cream shop. Nothing special. Then you see the MENU! For PKU'ers like me it's a dream. First you pick out your BASE... like Rice Milk. :) Then you pick out the flavor... and BECAUSE of the rice milk base you can have ANY of the flavors! Lastly you can pick out the "extra things" to put in it, like twix, brownies, dark chocolate... It's like someone created this shop so PKU'ers can have a choice on what ice cream flavor to have!
No I'm not exaggerating. Other ice cream shops (Baskin Robbins, Coldstone, Maggie Moos...) only have 1 or 2 choices for PKU'ers. On the ice cream front we can have Sherbet, Sorbet, Ices, Coconut Milk (it's a fruit... really.), or RICE MILK!
On the PKU friendly scale this place is full 10 out of 10!
The ice cream there is made in front of you too! What they do is they pour the base and the flavor together, and freeze it (SubZero!) with Liquid Nitrogen. While blowing the Liquid Nitrogen out of tube onto the ice cream they stir. After they are done they stir some more, adding in the extras and mixing it in. TADAA!! It's done! (Don't worry it's perfectly safe to eat)
I have a HARD time deciding what to try because there are SO many choices! My favorite so far has been Carmel Rice Milk Ice Cream with Twix in it. And if you have a hard time deciding what to choose and don't want to hold up the line that has magically grown behind you (because somehow it always happens to me) you can visit and decide ahead of time.
You can also see the real chemistry of using liquid nitrogen on ice cream. I didn't explain it, and it's a fascinating read.
So real fast: SubZero is an awesome PKU friendly ice cream boutique! That's my message today. See you whenever I see you. (Which may be a couple weeks because I have a couple of Huge tests coming up next week and I need to study!)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Excuses, Notes, and Foreshadowing.. Oh MY!
I didn't bring my notes from the conference with me (I'm using a public computer because mine is still offline). So here are a few things I DID remember.
- They are going to have a Utah PKU Camp this summer! :) Can't say if I'm going to go yet... I'm kind of on the borderline for ages. Kids up to 18 years old. It's going to be on June 15-16th. So if you want to go contact IPAD. (That's the Parent Group in our area) I'm happy that they are starting one up!!!!
- Someone talked about getting all our nutrients. Did you know to jump-start your metabolism for the day you need to eat breakfast sometime in the first 1/2 hr. you're awake? I didn't.
- You know how sometimes you get into a rut and eat the same things everyday? You are busy so you grab your "fast meal"... everyday? I know I do it. But it was mentioned that when we do this we aren't getting a lot of nutrients. There are some things that aren't in formula. You have to eat a variety of food to get it. You could cook lots when you do cook and eat leftovers when your busy. I even received a free cookbook with some pretty amazing recipes!
Later on in the conference we split into groups. People with PKU (most were adults in fact, there were 4 teens there including me!) But we were able to complain to each other and it made us feel better to know we weren't the only ones who hated that. But later we made a list of things we LIKE about PKU it was pretty interesting to see it. There ARE some good things about PKU. :) (That was the Foreshadowing part.) ;)
Have a great day! I'll try to fix my computer so I can post easier.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Really, Really Quick!
And I'm leaving in 1.5 hours for the Utah PKU Conference. I'm excited to go, I wanted to go to the one in Colorado last year but it was during the school year and I can't just drop everything to go to Colorado. Sigh. I have high hopes for it. It's going to last all day but I'm taking my notebook so I can post the highlights of it ASAP. There's going to be a PKU lunch. (I love the PKU buffets they always have) And I hope that I meet some PKU Mountain Region teen-friends.
*When 1 out of every 25,000 kids are born with PKU, friends tend to be scarce. I'm lucky to have my sister who also has it. :)*
Okay I told you it would be quick. And so this is my posting and running to get ready. :)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Happy 1st Birthday Blog!

So let's look at some stats for
Top 5 posts:
- New favorite Recipe- 131 views
- Happy PKU Awareness Month- 125 views
- Hello to You Too- 62 views
- Food & Dates- 39 views
- A Letter of Hope- 31 views
Top 5 Searches that Find the Blog:
- People with Phenylketonuria-10
- Pheylketonuria-8
- PKU Awareness Month-6
- PKU Baby-6
- People with PKU-5
Top 5 Countries:
- United States- 867
- Malaysia-31
- Russia- 28
- Canada-22
- Germany-18
Well, what did you think about the results?? I was really suprised at the number of people who viewed Food & Dates. The country views really intrigue me. To have people from another country reading what I'm typing this very moment... it's a pretty awe-inspiring thought. My Favorite post was The Letter of Hope personally. It's very touching. (And it's one of the posts where I actually got a picture to pop up with it.)
So where am I a year later...? Well, I'm a senior getting all my college stuff ready. Almost done with High School. Last year I didn't really think college could ever be so near. Last year... I was younger. I guess that's the word I was searching for. I've learned a lot about life this past year; and I've grown so much. I wonder what this next year will bring for us.
Anyways... Happy 1st Birthday Blog and May you last long enough to have many more!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Got Powermilk?


Got Milk Flavored Straws.
I know what you're thinking. Milk... right? But these straws are lactose and gluten free! Cool right? They have 4 original flavors: vanilla, chocolate, cookies'n cream, and strawberry. They have a lot of other flavors too and are making them all the time. In fact, on their "official website" (just google Got Milk Flavored Straws to find it) they have a place where you can invent a flavor and they'll consider making it!
I don't like changing my milk a lot. I get used to the flavor and whenever it changes it takes forever to get used to. (Plus a lot of forcing myself not to gag.) But these straws are just a "I'm bored of my milk let's shake things up and use a flavor straw today" kind of solution.
My sister doesn't like it with her Powermilk. It doesn't mix well, I guess. But I have Phenylade Essentials Vanilla. Vanilla can mix with anything and become new. I don't know how it mixes with other formulas but I'm betting it'll be okay with Bettermilk... wait. I still have a pack from that demo. :) I'm going to have to try it and see for you guys okay??
Okay. Sorry it took me so long to publish. My internet has been wacky lately and I have a lot of posts in mind right now so you aren't going to have to wait long for the next one. :) See you!

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Aminosweet IS Aspartame

So I was just reading a facebook post and I found an very interesting article...
It was on the wall of a PKU group and is very important to PKU'ers! One of the deadly chemicals Aspartame has been renamed and reclassified. It's now being called Animosweet, and is classified as a "Natural Sweetner". BUT IT'S STILL THE SAME THING!!!! PKU'ers CANNOT have it! It was created using aspartic acid and PHENYLALANINE! The same chemical we are not allowed to have.
I'm just warning people because I look on the back of labels for Aspartame not Aminosweet. Without reading this article I would've thought it was a totally different thing. Okay... maybe not. "Amino" does give us a clue. I wonder if they'll still put a warning on the back of their products??? (The PKU warning contains Phenylalanine)
And what is the deal with it being reclassified to "Natural Sweeteners"? It was created in a lab!!! That is NOT natural by any stretch of imagination! What happened to all the evidence that Aspartme is actually unhealthy for everybody not just PKU'ers? Doesn't it hurt everyone's brain? Doesn't it cause cancer?? Why on Earth would you eat it then?? Because it's sweet and isn't sugar?? Just my opinion but I'll take sugar any day of the week.
Aspartme is in sugar free gum. That's the reason why I refuse gum when it's offered. Because Aspartme IS Phenylalanine. It will destroy my brain and my life. I have too much to live for, and having one stick of gum full of Aspartme can ruin that.
So in the immortal words of Willy Wonka (as portrayed by Johnny Depp):
Chewing gum is really gross.
Chewing gum I hate the most!